The System
Gather Your dice
Gather up two ten-sided dice (2d10). If you’re Skilled in the action, roll three dice instead; if you’re an Expert in the action, roll four dice instead.
Roll the pool
Roll and look for the highest result! If it is 8, 9, or 10, you have succeeded; if it is 5, 6, or 7, it is a near success; and if it is a 1 to 4, it is a failure.
Find out what happens
Tell your Gamemaster (GM) what you rolled and she will interpret the results into something that happens in-fiction.
The Setting
The world is a strange place. The Sun is a burnt-out bronze disc in the sky, casting a permanent eclipse across the world. A giant centipede curls around and devours the Moon. Summer ends when the Summer Hart is shot and killed by a skilled hunter; Winter begins when the Winter Giant makes his annual pilgrimage across the world, dragging behind him the first snows of the year.
Nobody remembers how to farm, because food grows by itself in Gardens of Paradise. Written text becomes gibberish once the knowledge contained therein is read and consumed. Trade takes place in silver-bounded trade circles, over which the ghost of the god of trade hovers, doomed to die at the end of each day and to be eternally reborn at the start of each day. Religion is outlawed, and the very act of worship is cause enough for the Inquisition to exile you to Gaol.
The Player Characters
“You are a gnat riding the hurricane, but you hold its reins. All you have to do is point— and the world cracks with the force of your command.”
For a brief moment, you remember what it feels like to be a god. To be a giant astride stars and worlds, to have no gap between thought and action, will and reality. For an all too fleeting moment, you remember the joy of communion; of rapture, of ecstasy, of the delight of omnipotence.
And then you come down, back into this body, back into this mind and soul that’s too small to fit you, the real you, the You that speaks in capital letters. You open your hand, and it is not a supernova that explodes, but mere bone and nerve and meat.
Player characters are godblooded, ordinary mortals who have consumed a fragment of godflesh and somehow—typically through sheer dumb luck—survived the experience without going too mad. Poisoned by divinity, they are now more than humans, but not quite gods. Not yet. Not anymore, anyway.
The godblooded are the fulcrum upon which the world can be made to revolve. Their will drives the mill of history, and both kings and kingdoms are but gristle beneath the wheel of their actions. But what will they do with their power? Will they strive to make the world a better place, or will they simply reinvent the status quo with them on the top?
The Living World
The world is not a great place, but it does not have to be that way. As godblooded, you have the power to change the world, to reshape it into something else, to remake it in your image. Will you take the throne of the chakravarti and turn the wheel? Become a wild thing of Chaos so that you may abolish Hell itself? Descend into the Dreaming and rise as a dragon whose existence defies time itself? You have that power.
Or maybe you will instead choose to break the world over your knee and rule over its broken remains. Maybe you will throw the Moon from the heavens, and pluck the living Sun itself from the smouldering remains of its Palace. Maybe you will defy destiny and become a god again?
You and your covenant will make that decision, and the rest of the world—godblooded and mortal alike—will have to live with the consequences of those decisions.